Basically nothing which will offend, no porn, or of an obscene nature. We will also remove any other submission we deem to be inappropriate at our own discretion.
We only deal with authors (or an authorized representative of the author / company), and emails which we may send will be to the authors email address included in the PAD File.
We will use link to various URLs provided by your PAD file. Also, we will produce a program page for your program and resize your screen shot to a maximum of 250 x 250. Icons must be 32 x 32, .GIF is recommended if your PAD file does not conform it will be substituted. Also, if your PAD file is found to have unexpected data, we will inform you and invite you to resubmit.
We will access your PAD file regularly once every 5 days (at present this time is an approximation and may change), therefore there is no need to resubmit your PAD URL, in fact it will be seen as a duplicate and ignored. If after 5 attempts to access your PAD file, we may cense to make further attempts.
By submitting your PAD files here, YOU AGREE to release, indemnify, and hold SoftTester, it's parent company (Mindwarp Consultancy Ltd), it's contractors, agents, employees, officers, directors, affiliates, successors, administrators, heirs, and assigns, harmless from all liabilities, claims and expenses (including legal fees) in any matter whatsoever related to the listing of your software at our site.
This Agreement is governed by, and shall be construed in accordance with, English Law, but Mindwarp Consultancy Ltd (for whose benefit this agreement as to jurisdiction is made) and any successors, administrators, heirs and assigns reserves the right to bring proceedings in any court of competent jurisdiction, and the Customer agrees to submit to such jurisdiction.