Postal and Banking Barcode Download |
License : |
Shareware |
Release : |
Added support to create postal and bank barcode labels |
Price : |
$27.00 US |
Language : |
English |
File Size : |
5.058 MB |
Click to enlarge image
Description : Postal and Banking Barcode Download software present an exclusive system to manage banking and postal in secure and reliable way. Application include user-friendly graphical user interface from that no technical skills are required to punter for operate software. Barcode creator software create more than one barcode images at a same time with magnificent designing objects like ellipse, line, text, circle, pencil and etc. Postal and Banking Barcode Download software provide cheaper and time convenient system to manage postal and banking organization with secure, effective and professional features. Postal and Banking Barcode Download software create barcode images in 2D or linear dimensions like Databar Stacked Omni, Databar UPCE, MaxiCode, QR Code, LOGMARS, Telepen, Interleaved 2 of 5, Code 128 SET C, Code 128 SET B, Coda bar supported with distinct files format approximating WMF, TIFF, Bitmap, PNG, EMF, GIF, EXIF. Barcode objects can be easily read by computer system via connecting scanner, printer or extra barcode reader devices. Application include low system prerequisite for installation like 18 MB hard disk, Pentium class or comparable processor, 256 MB Ram and support all major Windows operating systems approximating Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows XP etc.
Extraordinary software features:-
* Postal and Banking Barcode Download software give distinctive technique to organize postal and banking with secure and professional features.
* Application allows creating multiple barcode images within a time by your computer systems.
* Create barcode images in different designing objects like pictures, lines, text, circle, ellipse and rectangle.
* Barcode can be created in 2D or linear dimensions with dissimilar files format PNG, JPEG, BMP, GIF, WMF and etc.
* Provide time and cost convenient technique to manage banking and postal sector.
More information from program website
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